Detoxifying foods to Enjoy while You’re Eating Keto

A few years back, detox diets and cleanses were all the rage. And with good reason: They allow you to quickly lose trapped water weight and toxins so you lose weight, feel energetic, look slim, and experience tons of energy.
The premise of a cleanse is to spend seven to 30 days consuming nothing but detoxifying foods that encourage toxins, remnants of medication, trapped water weight, stuck fat, and so on, to exit your body through urine, feces, sweat and aspiration, leaving you looking and feeling fresh, energetic, and full of vitality.
The most powerful detoxifying foods are chlorophyll-rich green vegetables and fresh herbs, meaning most cleanses are heavy on the green drinks and salads. Foods that can be tricky to manage on a ketogenic eating plan—which is why most keto eaters don’t do cleanses. 
Here is a collection of some of the easiest detoxifying plant foods for a keto eater to enjoy.


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