Keto Constipation: What it is, Why it happens and What to do About it

Constipation is a common side effect of the keto diet, especially in the early days as your body adjust to eating low-carb, high-fat foods. One reason is a simple change in eating style: Whenever a body is faced with a sudden change in the food it is given, it can react with constipation. Within two weeks, it typically adjust and starts (literally) moving again.
Dehydration, a common early side effect of ketogenic eating, can contribute to constipation by leaving stool dry, hard and difficult to pass. The can the lack of fiber in many low-carb, high-fat foods can also lead to constipation. Fiber bulks up stool, and keeps it moist, so it can easily pass through the large intestine and out from your body. Without fiber, stool becomes hard, dry and stuck. Not only is this uncomfortable—causing bloat and gassiness—but passing this hard stool can cause anal fissures and hemorrhoids.
Fortunately, keto eaters don’t need to be constipated—there are many things that can be done to ensure the digestive system works at peak efficiency!
Read the Blog "Keto Constipation: What it is, Why it happens and What to do About it" to get the Tips and Tools that can help treat and prevent Keto Constipation.


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