How to Avoid Eating Too Much | ketogenic diet
The prospect of eating avocados, bacon, and cream, every day can be so tantalizing that we forget that the keto diet is not a food free-for-all. No one—including keto-eaters—should eat until they feel queasy or overburden their digestive tract. Further, because the majority of keto ingredients are so calorie-dense, overeating even a small amount of them can get in the way of weight loss. If you struggle with eating too much of a good thing, these tips may help.
Stay hydrated. Oftentimes, we mistake thirst for hunger. Aim for at least two litres of water per day.
Carry your own keto snacks. Snacks can be an slippery slope when you are not prepared. Pack a piece or two of salmon jerky or stock up on snack-sized containers and fill them with cubed cheese, salami, slices of cucumber, or other keto-compliant foods.
Don’t keep trigger foods in your home,
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